Sunday, 3 July 2011

Saturday, July 2 -- St Mary's Glacier again, and J and C's wedding

Just a few pictures from our time on St Mary's Glacier -- I got a chance to try out using prusiks to try to rescue myself from our "crevasse", ie, from hanging over the cornice of the glacier. They are a system of ropes, one at your waist and one each for your feet, that you use to step and pull yourself up a rope and hopefully out of trouble. In practice it is quite tiring to do, especially on the hands as you twist the ropes and pull yourself up, but it is remarkably efficient and also pretty satisfying to be able to pull yourself up. The major problem is that the rope itself, with the weight of the climber and the movement on the rope, sinks down into the surface of the snow very badly, so that as you near the top it becomes quite difficult to get those final few feet up the ledge. Luckily B and R wanted to try pulling me up the ledge, so I got to prusik up the easier part twice and then they pulled me up the final few feet.  

After that we rushed home and got read for J and C's wedding. We were super excited for the wedding because we totally love weddings (mostly the dancing). Here's N being super excited!

The wedding was on a farm outside of Boulder. The farm provided us with a marvelous sense of isolation -- the only reminder of civilization was a small plane towing a glider that for some reason buzzed the wedding a few times. 

The farm also had some occupants, notably some really weird looking chickens (not these guys, but some other ones), and some pygmy goats. We went to have a look at them but that was where we first started encountering mosquitoes, so we got out of there. 

Some big thunderheads rolled out to the east, but they never threatened rain on the wedding.

Team Awesome at our table.

The wedding was very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, I must say. Unfortunately 1 million mosquitoes crashed the party and around dusk it became nearly unbearable for about a half hour. Everyone was in a frenzied search for Off! and when that ran out there was some terrible organic shit that didn't really work but everyone went for that too. Luckily once it got dark things were fine.

Also, there were fake mustaches.

Following the usual eating and drinking festivities, the drinking continued, with dancing, natch. The playlist was great and a great time was had by all (or at least, both of us).

More of our friends should get married so we can do this more often. Just saying.

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